Mar 30, 2023Liked by The Colonel’s Corner

Thank you for this research! Very interesting back story and amazingly appropriate for today’s world economy narrative... BRICS?

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Exactly. I'm sure that's why they don't actually teach history...nothing is new but until we wake up and learn the real history we are doomed to repeat it.

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1. To write most last names in the plural, add an S, even if the name ends in a Y---e.g., Hardy is written Hardys.

2. If the name ends in S, Z, CH or SH you add ES. That means the Davis family becomes the Davises, the French family becomes the Frenches, the Hernandez family becomes the Hernandezes, and the Glaves family becomes the Glaveses.

3. If the name ends in X, add ES—unless the X is silent. In that case, add an s. So the Felix family becomes the Felixes, and the Bordeaux family becomes the Bordeauxs.

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